Which massage is better - Thai or Swedish!

Which massage is better - Thai or Swedish!

Looking for ways to relax? If you are the one who hasn’t tried any massage therapy sessions or are unsure which full body massage to choose and which to reject then don’t get worried. We are here to tell you which massage will suit you the best and will completely relax your body and mind.

"Massage is to the human body what a tune-up is to a car."

You may think that massage therapy is a modern thing, a trend that many influencers and natural healing practitioners are pushing, but that’s not the whole truth. Doctors and researchers are saying that massage has several medical benefits that can ease many chronic symptoms and diseases too, but it’s not new. Massage therapy is a crucial part of the traditional holistic system, also known as the healing method, which began about 5,000 years ago.

So if you are feeling stressed, tired, and anxious, you don’t have to visit your doctor. A full body and head massage session of 45 minutes can make you fully active and functional.

Nothing is as relaxing as a full body massage, you will feel like you are in heaven. For a certain amount of time, you will be treated like a queen or king. A massage session will ease up all your sore and tight muscles, loosen up your tentacles, boost your circulation system, and help you relax your body.

Before googling the best body massage near me first know which massage is better & understand what a Thai massage and a Swedish massage are and what the key differences between these two are so that you won’t feel any awkwardness while having a massage.

What is the major difference between a Thai and a Swedish massage?

What is the major difference between a Thai and a Swedish massage?

There are several differences between Thai and Swedish massage—in the techniques, philosophy, oils, and most importantly, the benefits.


For Swedish massage, masseuses generally use essential oils and lotions. You will have to get undressed and a towel will be provided to cover yourself. For Thai massage, you don’t have to get undressed. You can opt for loose clothing and shorts that are comfortable. Also, essential oils are not used in Thai massages. So, if you enjoy essential oils, you should definitely go with the Swedish one. If you don’t like essential oils or have any kind of allergy reaction to them, then choose Thai massage.


In a Thai massage, pressure is applied to several acupuncture points that help to stretch and loosen tense muscles. Swedish massage is also known as "soft massage," as masseuses only use stroking and rubbing techniques to fully relax your body. The standard tools of Swedish masseuses are hands, fists, forearms, and elbows. The Thai masseuse might use his or her legs and feet during the massage.

See what techniques and tools are comfortable for you, and then select between these two different massages.


During a Thai massage, the masseuse will completely stretch your body in various positions, and you will feel rocked. Due to this fact, Thai massage is also referred to as a "lazy yoga massage". In Swedish massage, clients usually lie on the massage table on their stomachs.


Both massages offer several relaxing and soothing benefits, but in particular, Thai massage mainly focuses on boosting the energy flow. It is more dynamic and has a more healing effect as compared to a Swedish massage. A Swedish massage typically focuses on relaxation. In this, long strokes and rubbing techniques are used to make you relax and remove all the pain, tension, and stress.

How to choose between - Thai Massage and Swedish Massage?

How to choose between - Thai Massage and Swedish Massage?

Select Swedish massage if you want to feel relaxed and relieve your stress, love oil massage, don’t have any problem with being half-naked, or if you are having a massage for the first time. This massage is way more gentle than Thai massage.

Select Thai massage if you want a full-body treatment that is more than just a relaxing therapy. If you want to improve your overall posture, well-being, and energy levels, then you should definitely go forward with this massage.

Thai massage is for people who don’t like oil massages. If you are visiting Thailand, then you should give it a try!

There are many Salon at home Vaishali that provide all beauty-related services, including full body massage.

If you are having a full body massage for the first time, then let me tell you, it's okay to feel initial skepticism, you may also feel a little nervousness. You can tell that to your massage therapist and ask if you have any other questions or concerns regarding the massage. Trust me, your therapist would definitely understand your point and be very polite to you.

Massage may help you feel physically, intellectually, and emotionally better. Experiment with several types of massage and massage therapists to find the ideal type and service for you.

Always explain your massage therapist's expectations and objectives, and speak up if you're uncomfortable. If you have any health problems or conditions, see your doctor before obtaining a massage.

Some fun facts about massage:

  • On the body, an hour of massage is equivalent to 7-8 hours of sleep.
  • Our skin contains around 5 million touch receptors, with about 3,000 in each fingertip.
  • Muscles are made up of bundles ranging in size from 5 in the eyelid to 200 in the buttock muscles.
  • Touch is the first sense that people develop and also maybe the last to go away.
  • Massage therapy is the third most popular alternative medicine in the world.
  • According to experts, stress is responsible for 80-90 percent of all illnesses.
  • Regularly massaged office workers are found to be energetic, active, more attentive, perform better, and are less stressed than those who are not.

Versatile benefits of massages

  • Reduce back pain and increase mobility.
  • Assist expectant women with shorter, easier labor.
  • Stimulate lymph flow, the body's natural defensive system, to boost immunity.
  • Stretch and exercise atrophied, tight, or weak muscles.
  • Assist athletes of all levels with their preparation for and recovery from strenuous exercises.
  • Improve the health of the skin, the body's biggest organ.
  • Improve joint mobility.
  • Depression and anxiety will be reduced.
  • To promote tissue regeneration and scar tissue reduction.
  • It improves circulation by pumping oxygen and nutrients into tissues and essential organs.
  • Help in edema and adhesions after surgery.
  • It reduces cramps and spasms.
  • Relax and soften muscles that are damaged, weary, or overworked.
  • Migraine pain relief

If you are feeling shy and awkward, then we would suggest you hire a professional masseur that can provide salon at home services. We would refer you to Swagmee salon at home services, they are very professional.

Before going for a full body massage, remember that there are certain types of massages that are less enjoyable and quite painful. So, before selecting any message, ensure that you are prepared and fully aware of all the techniques and processes that a specific message employs.

Other than Swedish and Thai massages, there are plenty of massages that have several benefits and different techniques—Shiatsu Massage, Percussion Massage, Reflexology, Thai Massage, Aromatherapy Massage, Hot Stone Massage, etc.

Certain massages will make you relaxed, some will be more painful, and some will leave you fully energized.


What kind of massage will be better for me?

There are different types of massages, people generally go for Swedish massages. Select a massage that works specifically on your issues and tense muscles. If it's your first time, we would suggest you go forward with a Swedish massage.

When is the right time to get a massage?

Take out some time from your hectic schedule and book the best salon or hire a professional to give you a proper full body massage. Make sure you are well hydrated. If you are feeling tired and stressed, then it is the appropriate time, as your body is suggesting that it needs some relaxing time.

Will I be completely naked?

No one is going to make you go completely naked, it depends on you, if you are not comfortable, you can wear loose shorts or clothing during a massage. The massage therapist will ask you to undress and will provide you with a towel to cover your intimate parts.

What if I feel sleepy during the massage session?

You may feel a little drowsy during the massage, but that will be because you will be relaxed, if you want, you can fall asleep as well. Your therapist will wake you up once he/she is done.

What if I feel immense pain during a massage?

A Swedish or Thai massage won’t hurt you that much, but if it does hurt or if you feel a sore pain during the massage session, you can tell your therapist. Let your therapist know if the pain is unbearable. Sometimes you might feel slight pain and that is due to tense muscles, once the therapist applies pressure, you will feel completely relaxed after the pain.

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